Surface your Data and Empower your Organization with CoPilot Integration

Introducing Emercient's CoPilot Accelerator – a groundbreaking, dynamic tool poised to reshape the landscape of productivity and innovation within your organization. Our cutting-edge solution takes inspiration from the seamless integration of generative AI models into your company's communication ecosystem, equipping your workforce with unprecedented access to databases, analytics, and documents, all empowered by the latest advancements in large language models (LLMs).

Emerscient's CoPilot accelerator is meticulously crafted to address three pivotal capabilities using LLMs, all of which stem from real-world customer needs we've encountered:


Knowledge Bases:

Unleash the power of conversational interactions with your own data, making it as natural as chatting with a colleague.


SQL Agents:

Seamlessly retrieve and interact with structured data from your databases, ushering in a new era of data-driven decision-making.


Role-Based User Access Controls:

Fortify your data security with secure access controls, ensuring your LLM-powered insights are protected by our state-of-the-art SecureGPT.


Our accelerator takes the form of a user-friendly, GUI-based web application hosted in your own cloud environment. It empowers administrators to effortlessly deploy a customized generative AI solution tailored precisely to your organization's unique requirements, all without the need for complex coding. What's more, it enables the creation of APIs for diverse use cases, allowing you to interact with LLMs across various modalities – be it through a chatbot, web application, or your ERP system. And rest assured, the application includes a comprehensive audit mechanism that meticulously tracks every conversation and interaction for all deployed use cases.


Experience the unparalleled synergy of human ingenuity and AI innovation as your team collaborates seamlessly, harnessing the potential of your proprietary data alongside the cutting-edge tools supporting language models. Whether you're crafting compelling communications, streamlining intricate analytics, or conducting groundbreaking research, Emerscient's CoPilot Solution is your ticket to accelerating your organization's journey towards orders of magnitude greater productivity. It's time to unlock the future of productivity and innovation with Emercient's CoPilot Accelerator.

Precision in Interaction

Our team at Emerscient works with customers to design and develop high-quality prompts and templates that guide the behavior and responses of language models. As a result of iterative prompt engineering, we craft prompts to elicit specific information or control the model’s output, ensuring desired accuracy, relevance, and language fluency.


One example of prompting strategy we utilize that emerges at scale is “chain-of-thought prompting,” in which the model is prompted to generate a series of intermediary steps before giving the final answer, resembling a “chain of thought.” Chain-of-thought prompting is summarized in figure (A) below — it significantly improves the reasoning abilities of large language models, allowing them to solve multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning, such as math word problems. As shown in (B), on a benchmark of grade-school math problems, chain-of-thought prompting performs worse than directly returning the final answer until a critical size (10^22 FLOPs), at which point it does substantially better.



Unparalleled Expertise

Our team comprises experts with extensive experience in prompt engineering. We understand the intricacies of the field and have a proven track record of successfully implementing prompt-based solutions for enterprises across various industries.


Enterprise-Centric Approach

We are well-versed in the unique challenges faced by enterprises. Our solutions are tailor-made to address the specific needs and demands of your organization, ensuring that they seamlessly integrate into your existing workflows.


Skillful Prompt Generation

Crafting effective prompts is both an art and a science. Our team possesses the skill and creativity required to generate prompts that yield meaningful results, whether it's for natural language understanding, chatbots, virtual assistants, or any other application.


Production-Ready Solutions

We don't just stop at generating prompts; we take it a step further. Our solutions are designed to be production-ready, ensuring smooth deployment and integration into your systems. We prioritize reliability, scalability, and performance to guarantee a seamless user experience.

Unlocking Intelligent Automation with LLM Agents: Empowering Your Business

Our expertise lies in crafting custom solutions that leverage LLM agents to drive intelligent automation, streamline workflows, and enhance decision-making processes.

Transformative Agent-Powered Solutions

We understand that success hinges on efficiency and adaptability. That's why we've mastered the art of implementing LLM agents to bring about transformative changes for our customers. With an LLM-driven agent at the heart of your operations, you can navigate complex tasks, optimize resource utilization, and respond dynamically to evolving challenges.


The Essence of Our Approach

Our approach centers around building robust and context-aware agents that act as decision-making engines for your business processes. Each agent is carefully crafted with:

1. Persona and Context Integration

We tailor agents to align with your organization's unique personality and background context. This ensures that the agent's responses and actions resonate with your brand's voice and objectives.

2. Strategic Prompting

Leveraging proven strategies like ReAct, we equip agents with the ability to reason effectively and choose actions that lead to optimal outcomes.

3. Customizable Adaptability

With the range of agent types, we excel at fine-tuning and customizing these agents to suit your specific needs. This guarantees that the agent becomes an integral part of your operations.


Empowering Agents with the Right Tools

Our team understands that the tools an agent wields are pivotal to its effectiveness. We offer expert guidance in:

1. Tool Selection

We curate a toolkit tailored to your business objectives, ensuring that the agent has access to the right set of tools for seamless execution.

2. Tool Adaptation

Precise and clear tool descriptions are crucial for the agent's successful utilization. We excel at crafting descriptions that empower agents to wield tools optimally.


Mastering Toolkits for Success

We recognize that the synergy of multiple tools often drives the most impactful results. Our expertise lies in assembling toolkits that harmonize and complement each other, culminating in effective solutions that address diverse business challenges.


Realizing the Agent's Potential with AgentExecutor

Our commitment to excellence extends to every facet of implementation. Our AgentExecutor runtime guarantees the smooth execution of agent decisions, with built-in mechanisms to:

  • Manage situations where tools encounter errors during execution.
  • Overcome instances where agent outputs require parsing into actionable tool invocations.
  • Ensure comprehensive logging and observability at every stage, promoting transparency and troubleshooting.


Embark on a Journey of Innovation

Partner with us to unleash the  potential of LLM agents for your business. With a track record of successful implementations and a dedication to staying at the forefront of technology, Emerscient is your gateway to achieving operational excellence through LLM agents.


Contact us today to discover how LLM agents can transform your business landscape. 

Safety, Security and Compliance

 In an era where artificial intelligence is redefining the boundaries of innovation, Emerscient understands the paramount importance of control and accountability. Our guardrails services are tailored to empower businesses in managing their generative AI systems with precision and confidence. Our safety, security and compliance services specializes in key areas:


Topical focus - enabling you to harness AI's potential within a specific domain

Moderation - ensuring your AI's behavior aligns with your brand values

Hallucinations and Fact Checking - safeguarding the integrity of responses with accurate, factual Information

Jailbreaking Controls - protecting your AI from malicious user intent.


Topical guardrails

Topical guardrails are designed to ensure that conversations stay focused on a particular topic and prevent them from veering off into undesired areas.

They serve as a mechanism to detect when a person or a bot engages in conversations that fall outside of the topical range. These topical guardrails can handle the situation and steer the conversations back to the intended topics. For example, if a customer service bot is intended to answer questions about products, it should recognize that a question is outside of the scope and answer accordingly.


Safety guardrails

Safety guardrails ensure that interactions with an LLM do not result in misinformation, toxic responses, or inappropriate content. LLMs are known to make up plausible-sounding answers. Safety guardrails can help detect and enforce policies to deliver appropriate responses.

Other important aspects of safety guardrails are ensuring that the model’s responses are factual and supported by credible sources, preventing humans from hacking the AI systems to provide inappropriate answers, and mitigating biases.


Security guardrails

Security guardrails prevent an LLM from executing malicious code or calls to an external application in a way that poses security risks.

LLM applications are an attractive attack surface when they are allowed to access external systems, and they pose significant cybersecurity risks. Security guardrails help provide a robust security model and mitigate against LLM-based attacks as they are discovered

Embedding Responsible AI

At Emerscient, we believe that responsible AI is the bedrock of ethical innovation, and our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge AI solutions while upholding the highest standards of responsibility and transparency. As a leading AI integrator, we go beyond conventional implementation, offering comprehensive services that encompass the creation of bespoke Responsible AI Policy documents based on the core principles of AETHER (AI Ethical and Human-Centric Education and Research).


Our Commitment to Responsible AI

At the heart of our consultancy lies a deep commitment to responsible AI practices. We understand that the adoption of AI technologies comes with immense responsibility, and we strive to help businesses navigate this complex landscape with integrity and foresight. Our seasoned team of AI experts works closely with your organization to tailor Responsible AI Policy documents that align with your unique values, industry context, and stakeholder expectations.


Crafting Bespoke Responsible AI Policy

As part of our holistic approach, we conduct thorough assessments of your AI systems, identifying potential ethical challenges and biases. Drawing from the key facets of AETHER, our Responsible AI Policy development ensures that your AI technology upholds principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability.


Empowering with Education and Awareness

Education is a cornerstone of our Responsible AI strategy. We provide comprehensive AI ethics training to your team, fostering a deep understanding of responsible AI practices and nurturing a culture of ethical decision-making throughout AI development and deployment.


Establishing Clear Governance and Accountability

Our aim is to establish a robust governance framework, ensuring clear accountability for AI-related decisions. We work with your organization to create mechanisms for recourse in case of unintended consequences, ensuring that your Responsible AI Policy serves as a guiding compass for ethical AI practices.


Privacy, Inclusivity, and Security

Privacy and data protection are paramount in our policy development, ensuring your company adheres to industry regulations and best practices. Moreover, inclusivity remains at the forefront of our initiatives, as we design AI systems to serve diverse stakeholder needs, promoting accessibility and avoiding discrimination.


Safety First in AI Innovation

Safety and security are woven into every aspect of our Responsible AI Policy. By proactively addressing potential risks and vulnerabilities, we safeguard against any threats to individuals and society, enabling you to innovate with confidence.


At Emerscient, we envision a future where AI-driven innovation and responsibility go hand in hand.  As a your partner in this transformative journey, Emerscient ensures Responsible AI practices and elevates your organization to the forefront of ethical and sustainable AI innovation. 

Precision in Interaction

Our team at Emerscient works with customers to design and develop high-quality prompts and templates that guide the behavior and responses of language models. As a result of iterative prompt engineering, we craft prompts to elicit specific information or control the model’s output, ensuring desired accuracy, relevance, and language fluency.

One example of prompting strategy we utilize that emerges at scale is “chain-of-thought prompting,” in which the model is prompted to generate a series of intermediary steps before giving the final answer, resembling a “chain of thought.” Chain-of-thought prompting is summarized in figure (A) below — it significantly improves the reasoning abilities of large language models, allowing them to solve multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning, such as math word problems. As shown in (B), on a benchmark of grade-school math problems, chain-of-thought prompting performs worse than directly returning the final answer until a critical size (10^22 FLOPs), at which point it does substantially better.


Unparalleled Expertise

Our team comprises experts with extensive experience in prompt engineering. We understand the intricacies of the field and have a proven track record of successfully implementing prompt-based solutions for enterprises across various industries.


Enterprise-Centric Approach

We are well-versed in the unique challenges faced by enterprises. Our solutions are tailor-made to address the specific needs and demands of your organization, ensuring that they seamlessly integrate into your existing workflows.


Skillful Prompt Generation

Crafting effective prompts is both an art and a science. Our team possesses the skill and creativity required to generate prompts that yield meaningful results, whether it's for natural language understanding, chatbots, virtual assistants, or any other application.


Production-Ready Solutions

We don't just stop at generating prompts; we take it a step further. Our solutions are designed to be production-ready, ensuring smooth deployment and integration into your systems. We prioritize reliability, scalability, and performance to guarantee a seamless user experience.